gpsc result 20147

GPSC Class 1-2 Final Result 2014-15

Gujarat Public Service Commission GPSC Published final result for Class 1-2 Recruitment, 2014-15. You can view final result in pdf format by below mentioned link.

Job details

  • Advt. No.: 09/2014-15
  • Name of posts: GPSC Class 1 & 2 (GAS, GPS)
  • Download GPSC Class 1-2 Final Result here

    GPSC Class 1-2 Cut off marks

    1) General 547 Marks (up to Birth Date 08‐02‐1984)

    2) General (Female) 526 Marks

    3) S&EBC 538 Marks

    4) S&EBC (Female) 509 Marks (up to Birth date 20‐12‐1983)

    5) S.C. 530 Marks

    6) S.C. (Female) 502 Marks

    7) S.T. 460 Marks (up to Birth date 21‐08‐1990)

    8) S.T. (Female) 425 Marks

    9) Physically Disabled Gen‐M – 503, Gen‐Female–483, SEBC‐M‐487, SEBC‐Fem. 466.

    (up to 10% of qualifying standards in each respective category )

    10) Ex‐Servicemen 515 Marks

    (up to 10% of qualifying standards in each respective category)
